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I'm Alissa!

I am a coffee lover, author, medical professional, and am incredibly passionate about mental health.

In 2017 I was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. At the time I saw it simply as a mental condition that I was predisposed to develop due to various risk factors that littered my childhood.


A year later, I began a blog titled unconditional. Initially, my goal was to use my writing to help others through their recovery journey. Only later did I realize God used my blog to start my healing process and help progress my recovery. 


Over my 6 years of blogging God has shown me so many lessons, the most influential being: an eating disorder is not merely physical, but is an attack on the mind and identity of a child of God, pushing them toward destruction. Therefore, to fully recover, you must engage both science and God. 


Science: for nutrition, coping mechanisms, and appropriate health monitoring. Faith: for REDEFINING your identity and being.


From this lesson, God redefined my life, leading me to change the title of my blog to Girl Redefined in 2023. Here, my passion for connecting faith and science comes to life through my writing, as I attempt to relay all the lessons God so graciously taught me that brought me to full recovery. In this way, my goal is to equip you for your fight against ED, remind you that you are not alone, and encourage you to walk through all of this by faith as we watch God bring beauty from ashes, REDEFINING your story and identity. 


My Story

My intention for this site is not to be a place where people come, read words on a page, and return to life. I desire to build a community of recovery warriors dedicated to conquering the spiritual element of recovery together. I will be upfront and inform you now of my imperfection, and warn you that there are questions to which I do not know the answer. The joy of community is learning from each other, and diving into God's Word together in search for His answer [which is always the correct and best answer]. So please never be afraid to correct me, contribute your opinion, or offer advice, as long as you do so in a kind and respectful manner. Let's build a safe space to ask questions, grow, and learn about the identity and life God has for us, together. 

Alissa Hastings

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2016 - 2017

I began developing signs of Anorexia Nervosa during the spring of 2016. Slowly, over the following year the condition worsened until my ED behaviors came to light that winter.

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In the spring of 2017 I was evaluated by Nationwide Children's ED program and placed into the hospital on account of a weak heart. I was there one week before being released to an intensive outpatient program. 

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Through the summer months I attended IOP, but was very passive in my recovery journey. I only engaged enough to keep people off my back, never desiring real change. That fall I started at university studying exercise science. I was placed on anxiety meds to help me cope with the stress of change and ED. 

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That October I was in a car accident that sent me into relapse. This was followed by an unforeseen battle with debilitating joint pain of an unidentified origin. Following an episode of lost consciousness, I found myself at rock bottom and resubmitted my life to Christ. I stopped all meds the next day and within 3 weeks was healed. 


COVID hit just as I graduated college, bringing everyone home. While difficult, the isolation brought increased growth. Additionally, I rekindled a relationship with a high school friend. We started dating in July, and I only saw further growth as He continued to push me both in recovery and in relationship with God. 


This year was relatively uneventful, as I continued to pursue active recovery and learn the lessons God was teaching me. The biggest challenge in this season was relapse and learning to get up after a fall. I also became closer to God than ever before. I was starting to find joy again. 


That December, while sitting in church, I felt God calling me to start a blog and share my story. It was time to claim my struggle and say it out loud, thus loosing the bonds of shame and guilt. After some debate I caved and Unconditional was created, pushing me further in my recovery.

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After resubmitting my life to Christ, I decided to fully engage recovery. With the assistance of a mentor from church and my parents, I faced my fear foods, engaged uncomfortable circumstances, and continued to pursue God with my whole heart. 


That fall I began my two year physician assistant program. Again, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety and tempted with relapse. This prompted me to ask God why accomplishments and numbers held so much power over me. Little did I know the answer to this question would also be the missing key to reaching full recovery: misplaced identity.


I spent 2021 in the books. It was a rough year that felt both isolating and impossible. Yet, I was more determined and driven than ever. Refusing ED became easier, my anxiety started to diminish, and I became incredibly bold in my faith. 


Oh, and I also became a fiance that year!



This year could not have been busier. Micah graduated and commissioned in the Marine Corp. We planned and celebrated our wedding. And I completed my clinical year in PA school leading to my graduation and passing of the boards. My anxiety began creeping up again, but I quickly managed it with low dose medications to avoid panic. ED was starting to slip away, and I was starting to blossom. 

My Recovery Timeline

2016 - 2023 

While my story is quite long, having now been in recovery 7 years, I have highlighted the major moments here. To view the information simply hover your mouse over each picture on the timeline! For more in depth information head over to the blog using the button below.


I moved to Virginia with my husband as he pursued his dream job in the Marine Corps. In my free time I worked on a book titled Redefine, that focuses on recovery from a faith based approach. It, along with my newfound identity in Christ, then became the inspiration for my new blog: Girl Redefined. And I am proud to say: as of 2023 I am ED free!


After graduating, we had a few precious months of peace before moving. I used this time to invest in myself, grow my relationship with God, and was invited to speak at Harvest Hills regarding my story. As I sat with God preparing, it all finally clicked. After 6 years in recovery, I realized the problem was that my identity was in my illness not Christ. With that final realization ED was fully removed from his seat of power in my life. 

Join the Recovery Community

Head over to the forum for encouragement, discussion, and community, joining other recovery warriors devoted to their recovery journey. You don't have to fight alone.

Join the Recovery Partner Community

As a parent, friend, or significant other, you too are affected by ED. Head over to the forum for encouragement, discussion, and community with others who are supporting their loved ones in the recovery journey.

Welcome to the Family!


Just a few more incase you are curious...

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