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ED Recovery

In The Scriptures

One thing I learned in recovery is that God is not optional, but necessary. You are in the middle of a battle for your soul, whether you recognize it or not. The target, your identity, is being warred over by two parties: (1) God, (2) and the devil. See, Satan knows that when you finally lean into Scripture, submit fully to God's plan and learn the truth about your identity and God-given purpose, everything will change. You will become confident, dangerous, and powerful - because you know who you are, whose you are, and to whom the final victory belongs. This is why the enemy is fighting you with everything in that cold, black little heart of his, trying to keep you from stepping into your identity in Christ. 


So, what are you waiting for?


My Story

I remember vividly being in your shoes. Now, I don't know your story, but I know that ED had consumed me so fully that God no longer held a position in my life. He was pushed to the background. Thank God, He did not walk away, but pursued me steadily and quietly. When I inevitably hit rock bottom He met me there with open arms, despite countless Christians who turned their backs on me. Slowly, He sat beside me, teaching me to pray and read His Word. He walked me through the storm, by helping me keep my gaze focused on Him, rather than the waves and wind rushing around me. I truly do not believe I would ever have reached food freedom if it were not for my Savior. Run to Him, He is waiting for you too, with open arms.

Come home. 

Where Did I Start?

Nope, I did not start out there. The fire inside my heart for God, that now burns intensely, did not instantly burst into a roaring flame as soon as I submitted. In fact, at first I didn't feel a tangible change whatsoever. The burn increased gradually, as I spent more time surrounded by the presence of God. It took discipline and diligence, but it was so worth it. So often we underestimate the power of what we are putting into and allowing to run rampant in our minds. By repeatedly exposing myself to the truth of the Bible, by hearing and seeing repeatedly what God says about myself and Himself, by really getting to know the God I claimed to know... I changed that inner dialogue. And, as God renewed my mind, my life was changed. However, it all began by just listening to worship or someone reading me the Bible on the days I felt like I simply could not do it. 


How Did I Start...

  • I acted without feeling the motivation or desire to do so. 

  • I added worship music into my daily routine. An easy way to surround yourself with the truth of God, when stepping out farther seems too daunting. 

  • I asked my parents or friends to read Scripture to me when I felt unable.

  • I stuck post-its with Scripture on my bathroom mirror, in my car, and in binders so that I was always seeing some truth throughout my day. 

  • Lots of podcasts, such as daily devotionals or conversations surrounding Scripture.

  • Forcing myself to do the uncomfortable work of building habits in reading the Bible and praying. 


P R A Y 

What Is It?

Prayer seems so frightening. We feel the need to overanalyze every word, making sure it is polished and perfect before we bring it before almighty God. This is not how God wants us to pray. Prayer, simply put, is our method of communicating with holy God, being in relationship with Him. And, He has provided us with instructions, or a model, for how to pray. 

“This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’"

Matthew 6:9-13


"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name"


State God's character [seen in Scripture] back to God, reminding yourself of 

who you speak to, and who

you are in relation to 



"Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors"

Follow with CONFESSION.

Confess specific sins you are convicted of and ask for the Father's forgiveness. 


"Your kingdom come, your will be done"

Move to SURRENDER and 


God's ways are higher, as are His thoughts. Demonstrate your desire to follow His will in

all areas.



"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"


Identify areas of spiritual weakness or attack, and place these things into the hands of God, seeking His strength.


"Give us this day our daily bread"

Now, submit your requests for PROVISION.

Ask for what you need, both physical and spiritual, trusting He will provide for what you need, not always what you want.


In Jesus name, Amen

Finish with RECOGNITION that it is by Jesus we approach the throne of heaven, and SO BE IT, 

trusting it all to God.


See, God is not asking for us to babble spiritual nonsense. In Matthew 6, before providing a wonderful model for the believer to follow, Jesus specifies we should not be like the hypocrites, praying to show your "spirituality" or "goodness" in public. Additionally, we should not be like the pagans who babble, thinking they will be heard for their many words. Instead, God wants us to approach with a posture of humility, reverence, submission, and intimacy. 

"To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything."
Timothy Keller

S T U D Y 

What Is It?

Reading the Bible is a wonderful practice, yet the Word of God is active, and I believe we were meant to actively engage with its contents. Meaning, just as you studied other books of literature in school, attempting to discern the author's meaning and intent behind the words, you should study the Bible. There is so much knowledge and wisdom held in those pages. It allows us to know God better, seeing His character and power, and by knowing God, we also come to a better understanding of who we were made to be, and what we were made to do.

So.... what does studying Scripture look like?

There are many "right" ways to study Scripture. I developed my habits over the years, as I have learned from others greater than me, learned what works best for me, and grown in relationship with God.


There is a podcast that was recommended to me by a Bible study leader - "Women of the Word" - that shares basic strategies, practical tips, and encouragement for Bible study. The speaker, Jen Wilkin, does a wonderful job discussing why studying the Bible is so important, common barriers and pitfalls to studying the Bible, and goes through her step-by-step process for studying Scripture. It is a wonderful resource for those interested!



See My Method Below:


Get to know the author, genre, time-period, culture, themes, & messages of the book.


Read through the chapter. Then, read through & study small sections at a time. 


Annotate - write the obvious meanings, associated verses, definitions, patterns, etc.


Summarize small chunks of the Scripture to help with comprehension. 


Work to discern the intention. Allow yourself to pray over & wrestle with the Bible.


List out the key takeaways that are contained in the few verses you are studying.


Write out questions that arose, & seek to find answers in the Scripture. Work through it.


Think about the application. What did you learn about God & how does that change you.


Look at commentary & seek the knowledge of others who have spent time studying. 
** it may seem long & cumbersome, but it is so incredibly worth it. 
“We must make a study of our God: what he loves, what he hates, how he speaks and acts. We cannot imitate a God whose features and habits we have never learned. We must make a study of him if we want to become like him. We must seek his face.”
Jen Wilkin
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